Cybersecurity Starts Early in the Development Process of Electronic Products

In product development with digitization of your analog products Technology Development Partner Develco implements security in the early phases of a development project with Internet of Things IoT.

From the Analog to the Digital World

Many electronic products are now digital and constitute important elements of IoT solutions with data collection from IoT devices to Cloud solutions with Cybersecurity and data processing. More companies have already successfully realized their IoT business cases for new digital IoT solutions with business data in the Cloud. While other companies are still considering their ideas for IoT solutions with data collection from machines, products, and factories to gain better insight into the company’s value chain. But the companies lack an overview of the digital transformation of their IoT business case from the analog to the digital world. And simultaneously knowledge and competences within product development of the new smart IoT solutions.

Develco is a Data Generator with Cybersecurity

We have strong competences in development of hardware, embedded software, edge computing, and mechanics for IoT sensors, gateways, and other devices for collection and transmission of the desired data to the Cloud. As a part of the Trifork Group we help with the interface between the analog and the digital world. Together Develco and Trifork offer development of complete End-to-End IoT solutions from IoT devices to Cloud solutions with secure, valuable data. In a world with ever increasing threats of hacking Cybersecurity has become an important and necessary factor in the development of IoT solutions. Early in the development process Develco and Trifork build security into IoT devices and Cloud solutions, so that your company is in control of which machines, products, and factories have access to your Cloud solution with the essential business data.

One IoT Contractor for End-to-End IoT Solutions

When you choose Develco and Trifork for development of your complete End-to-End IoT solutions, you are co-operating with one IoT contractor. We are ready to help you further with workshops, flexibility, and a constructive co-operation throughout the development process of your tailored End-to-End IoT solutions. And not at least Cybersecurity to secure your critical IoT data and business data. During Digital Tech Summit 2024 we are ready to talk to you about your IoT business cases “, says CSO Jakob Bjerre at Develco.

Develco’s booth at Digital Tech Summit 2024 in Øksnehallen in Copenhagen
Develco IoT Solutions
Develco and Trifork – One IoT Contractor for development of complete End-to-End IoT solutions